Am intrat pe blogul lui Inka, si am vazut aceasta leapsa. Se adresa tuturor celor care au blog, asa ca m-am gandit sa o preiau si eu.
yourself: glumet
your hair: scurt .. vroiam sa mi-l fac emo, dar m-am razgandit :)
your mother: intelegatoare mai rar ..
your father: superman
your favorite item: PC
your dream last night: ceva horror
your favorite drink: Pepsi Twist
your dream car: Trabant :))
the room you are in: Dormitor
your fear: sa am ceva rupt (picior,cap,mana,degete etc)
what you want to be in ten years: mareeee
who you hang out with last night: conteaza? :))
what you're not: batman
one of your wish list items: multi cartofi prajiti si muuuult pepsi twist
time: haaaa .. am destul, da n-am ce face cu el :)
the last thing you did: m-am uitat sa vad cat e ceasul
what you are wearing: boxeri :D
your favorite weather: 20 de grade fara soare ..
your favorite book: niciuna .. nu prea citesc :D
the last thing you ate: cartofi prajiti (am baut si pepsi twist :D)
your life: foarte buna .. a ta?:))
your mood: energic
friend: ... bagareţ mai eşti :))
what are you thinking about right now?: sa mananc cartofi prajiti
what are you doing at the moment?: scriu postul asta .. nu e logic?! :))
your relationship status: ... impuşcă-te! :))
what is on your tv: dobitoci,boschetari etc...
when was the last time you laughed: acum 2 secunde
Cine vrea poate sa o ia!